About us

The history of NetX Networks is connected with research and development that took place in the past with the help and support of the Brno University of Technology.
Spin-off BUT Brno
The company NetX Networks a.s. was established as a spin-off based on research focused on the development of high-speed equipment for filtering and shaping network traffic at Brno University of Technology.
Company origin
The development that gave rise to the current NetX solution began before 2010, when new needs for the core network arose at the university - in particular, connecting to global BGP routing, creating a more advanced routing policy, and moving to IPv6 protocol.


Commercial development
Transformation of the NetX R&D association into joint-stock company NetX Networks, a spin-off of BUT
Founding of NetX R&D association
University research
Separation of activities from the university into the NetX R&D association, creation of additional services with a link to br-ix.cz
Continued development in cooperation with CESNET, speeds of 40Gb/s and higher
Implementation for commercial partners, increasing interest for the solution
New core network needs for University campus core, full feed BGP routing, NAT CGN, advanced peering policy, security features, IPv6 development
10Gb/s speeds, first IPv6 implementation, hybrid network model